seminargo catalog

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at one look!


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with your request for Vienna!

Do you already have our current seminargo catalog on your desk? No? Than order your copy now free of charge. Browse through the online catalog right now and shorten your waiting time. 


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You are passionate, goal- and solution-oriented, stress-resistant, flexible, reliable and a true team-player? Then join our team. We offer you many advantages!




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Start right now with your next seminar request for Vienna and save a lot of time due to our innovative booking platform!




>> Start your request

"We'll make sure you receive accurate offers and find the right seminar hotel for your event!"

Andrea Kernreiter, CEO




New and interactive

event formats


10 questions

for the perfect hotel selection


Follow us

on Social Media!


Quick Check

Which booker type are you?

"Fishbowl", "World Café" or even "Open Space" are now in demand! We briefly introduce you to the new variants. 




>> Try something new


In this checklist we show you what you should pay attention to, in order to find your perfect seminar hotel faster. 




>> Download checklist


Current topics can be fount at:



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What is important to you in the organization of your hotel? We kindly invite you to our Quick Check! Duration: approx.2 minutes.



>> Start survey


For reasons of better readability, the masculine form is used for

personal designations and personal nouns on this website.

Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders in the sense of equal treatment.

The abbreviated form of language has only editorial reasons and does not imply any valuation.


High End Service

Monday till Thursday: 8 am - 6 pm
Friday: 8 am - 2 pm

+49 89 700 741 69

+43 1 90 858